Sunday, September 21

Random post after abandoning the blog 1 year =p

Dear whoever you are! :P

So my last post was 9 Jan 2013! It was really more than a year. Still remember when blogs are trends, and each of my bestie will have a blog to keep our life posted. Was looking around and hey, suddenly I feel like to write a post.

Was reading previous posts and smiling wide right now. Following up from my goals last year. YES I realized my wishes for 2013, I went korea for real with Vivian and  in 2014 HEY I went KK and climb Borneo highest peak with my love! How amazing, the power of ambition and planning is. and YES my freaking first class honours certificate for my degree. All happened pretty amazing. I am so glad and thankful for it. Its just a paper after all hardwork is done, of course not without the maths gang. I will always give them credits because they are always there all along, no matter what and I seriously think I wouldnt have been standing proud with my first class degree in hand without them *loves*, although we dont catch up very often, the thankful thought is always there.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" - this quote always reminds me to plan ahead of time.I dont like to fail especially with things I matter most. Although the end result might not be as planned but at least plan B always saved your ass, ops I mean my ass. I love to plan ahead, I hate to be rushed or rushing last minute for unplanned events, it freaks me off and get my crazy temper ON! (SERIOUSLY I don't like myself when I am like that so yes I always plan ahead) If anything comes up and disrupt my plan, I could get flexible but will still annoyed if the fact that things can be informed earlier. Well exceptions for emergency last minute change but for those decisions made early but just that information comes on the day/ or the day before, just too crazy.

I love to plan because I want to do my best. Sometimes when committed to too many things, I just felt like letting some off. Over commitment is exhausting. I mean yes, exhausting, when I am exhausted, I am very easily annoyed. That feeling is like "no matter how hard you try, good is never good enough". Annoyed by people who think I am very free,annoyed by people who think my effort is insignificant close to nothing, annoyed by people who think I am lazy and doesn't contribute much(esp if I've already die trying!), annoyed by people who expects you to be there immediately like its an on-call thing, annoyed by people who complains a lot about things that really also applies to them, annoyed by people who keep on making you feel bad for having a good life! seriously yes. It hurts if it happens to be someone you cared about and I probably would get emotional over it. Annoyed by people who always say they want to do something but never put an effort trying to get it started and blame others about it. Annoyed by ungrateful people. YES I am so easily annoyed when I am tired. I don't feel like listening to anyone or give a damn to anything. What I usually do? I stay away from people, plug my earphones on and listen to some hot music, sing aloud like nobody's home, dance like nobody's around. (HAHA of course nobody is around, I stay away from them remember?)  At times when I am super busy, you can only see me during work/discussion time, the rest of the time, I am nowhere to be found! :P

Had a really bad sleeping pattern. 12am-7.30pm is my sleeping hours. I've been late to work recently for a month cause I always can't wake up early without a headache! Trying to pamper myself with "do nothing" day. haha usually thats when I am having menses. I seriously just sleep like there's no tomorrow, I am that tired. hehe. Bosses, I am so sorry but will get back to normal soon I promise :):) Love you !(as if they are reading!) HAHA, actually I love my job now when there is so much flexibility in alot of things, however of course you need to get the job done. Talking about my job, a decision-making job, sometimes there are alot of hard calls to make but you just have to. Either you keep your job happy or you keep the customer happy, first is the most important, but the latter is also importantly related to the first! HAHA! Dilemma. I probably made some risky mistakes but got away with it cause I was lucky, situation is always so nice to me, but I know it won't be for long when there are harder decisions to make in the future. yes, my job involve alot of risk, risk that may costs you alot of money. I guess thats the interesting part that keeps me going. Not just the job, the people ,awesome colleagues! We had hard times together, crazy times when you literally can hear someone laughing like crazy or speaking senselessly (my boss says I am abit like her! OMG, I know what that means, and seriously when my boss isn't around and I was taking charge, it gets abit crazy at times) AND YES, we have happy moments together when someone is treating the whole section FOOD=P hahaha!

Whats next? December Trip to Taipei on an educational trip with my family :P hahahaha! Hope to meet Pan Jian there if situation permits :) My brother from China! =D


I love staying around energetic and enthusiastic people when I am off from work!  I love spending time with people who simply able to make you smile when you don't feel like to. Just narrow down to my CUTE big family cousinsss! :) They are pretty awesome, cute and always never fail to make me HAPPY. Thats how much I love being around them ! Love the feeling being in a big family.

Probably I was alone since young when my brothers moved to Miri, till I meet the bunch of sisters! Walk to school together, share thoughts together, study together. Good times. Good to review to keep you feeling thankful for all the wonderful things that happened in your life.

I always believe things happen for a reason. How good, how bad. Its for the better =)

Till then, I never know when will the next post come~ :P EHEH.

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